
Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2018, companiile Python Systems și QUARTZ Data Recovery au încheiat un parteneriat cu scopul de a-și uni eforturile pentru a oferire servicii premium de recuperare a datelor la prețuri competitive.

De la începutul anului, companiile și-au extins dotările tehnice, baza de piese de schimb, cunoștințele tehnice și au implementat aceasi grila de preturi.

Ca urmare a încheierii parteneriatului, serviciile de diagnosticare, evaluare și recuperare a datelor se desfășoară exclusiv în laboratorul de la sediul QUARTZ Data Recovery din str. Ghe. Țițeica Nr. 142. Primirea suporturilor de date defecte dar și recepționarea datelor recuperate se poate efectua atât la sediul Python Systems Com din str. Vladoianu nr. 48, cât și la sediul QUARTZ Data Recovery din str. Gheorghe Țițeica.


“No Data, no Charge” - you will pay only if we recover your data.

Prices estimations:


  • In 24 hours (detailed diagnosis): FREE

Data Recovery

Hard Disks (HDD):

  • Logical defects: from 45 to 120 euro
  • Electrical defects: from 80 to 150 euro
  • Firmware: from 80 to 150 euro
  • Mechanical defects: from 150 to 300 euro
  • RAID matrices: starting from 50 euro/hard disk

Memory cards (Flash Drive, SD Card, Multimedia Card, Memory Stick Pro Duo):

  • Logical defects: from 25 to 50 euro
  • Physical defects: from 50 to 200 euro

SSD (solid state drive):

  • Logical defects: from 45 to 120 euro
  • Physical defects: from 150 to 250 euro

The Total price is composed by Diagnostics + Data Recovery

The final price is dependent on complexity of the operations performed and the working time spent for recovery. The prices are for your information only, an exact quote can be provided only after diagnostic.

The price is NOT dependent on:

  • data volume / size;
  • the hard disk brand or make;
  • the physical size of hard disk (e.g. 2,5″, 3,5″ ).

VAT and other taxes (that may required by the law) are not included.

There may be volume discounts upon an agreement signing, or frequent customers discounts.

Free diagnostic in 24 hours - No data, no charge

When you realise that a storage drive / unit is
malfunctioning or defective
first data recovery bulletCut the electric power immediately
data recovery bulletDo not restart the computer
data recovery bulletDo not install or reinstall software applications
data recovery bulletDo not hit, shake and do not dissasemble or clean the storage units
data recovery bulletDo not try to dry the wet units
data recovery bulletDo not power or to try to othervise intervene on the units
block bottom

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