Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2018, companiile Python Systems și QUARTZ Data Recovery au încheiat un parteneriat cu scopul de a-și uni eforturile pentru a oferire servicii premium de recuperare a datelor la prețuri competitive.
De la începutul anului, companiile și-au extins dotările tehnice, baza de piese de schimb, cunoștințele tehnice și au implementat aceasi grila de preturi.
Ca urmare a încheierii parteneriatului, serviciile de diagnosticare, evaluare și recuperare a datelor se desfășoară exclusiv în laboratorul de la sediul QUARTZ Data Recovery din str. Ghe. Țițeica Nr. 142. Primirea suporturilor de date defecte dar și recepționarea datelor recuperate se poate efectua atât la sediul Python Systems Com din str. Vladoianu nr. 48, cât și la sediul QUARTZ Data Recovery din str. Gheorghe Țițeica.
Data Recovery Services
Data Recovery from Hard Disks (HDD):
- Any type of interface: IDE, EIDE, SerialATA (SATA), SCSI, SAS;
- Simple or RAID (0, 5, 6, 10) Storage;
- Any model or brand (Seagate*, Western Digital*, Maxtor*, Hitachi*, Toshiba*, HP*, IBM*, etc.);
- Internal (servers, desktops, laptops) or external drives, 3.5″, 2.5″, 1.8″;
- Any type of defect or malfunction;
Defect / Malfunction Types:
- Logical – some of the easiest and most frequent problems that may occur. In this case, the physical hard-drive has no problem, only the information stored on it is altered. Damages can range from simple logic wrong entries in the allocation table to file system corruption.
Your data may be lost after viruses, formatting, repartitioning the hard drive, various errors, accidental deletions, error reading partitions, bad sectors; - Electrical – Damages the electronics is very often after electric shocks or short circuits, after which the HDD is not recognized in BIOS. These defects can occur in any type of hard drive, regardless of capacity or size.
In these cases data recovery is possible in 100%, data on the hard disk is not altered; - Mechanical – is the worst of failures. It can lead to partial or permanent loss of data stored on hard disk. This may be caused by errors in read / write heads of hard-disk, mechanical shocks, engine failure.
The most common defects are those of the head read / write. These errors occur when the ends of the read / write of hard disk in contact with the hard disk platters. Mechanical failures can occur from mechanical shock, static electricity, voltage fluctuations, short circuits, or malfunction head read / write.
Mechanical failures can be detected by "croak" hard drive, metallic noise that is heard regularly. It is recommended when you hear this noise to stop immediately the computer;
Most Likely Causes:
- Electrical power failures, variations and spikes;
- Overwriting and/or delete;
- Physical defects;
- Accidents (e.g. fire, floods, etc.);
- Computer viruses and malware;
- Human errors;
- Unusual noises and vibrations;
- Computer’s operating system errors;
- Read/write takes too long (or even “for ever”);
We also recover data from:
- Memory cards (Flash Drive, SD Card, Multimedia Card, Memory Stick Pro Duo);
- SSD (solid state drives);
- USB Stik;
Please note:
Any failed attempt to extract data from defective drives decreases the chances of data recovery.
Please ask for qualified support.